World Cup fever hits Waggy Tails!

With the World Cup in full swing and the nation getting behind Gareth Southgate and the boys, I’ve been musing over what it would be like if Waggy Tails of Wymondham had qualified for Russia 2018 and what the starting line-up would be. Obviously I’ve given it a lot of thought, and with more than…

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Busy! Busy! Busy!

Been a few weeks since my last post, and what a lot has happened since then! I’ve been fortunate to have been able to meet lots and lots of new doggies, and have managed to more than double the size of the gang in the past month and now have ten amazing pooches in the…

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OK, so enough with the weather already!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve more than had enough of this cold, wet miserable weather by now, feels like the longest winter ever! We’re supposed to be into the third week of spring by now, though it definitely doesn’t feel it – my daffodils aren’t even in bloom yet, which is crazy for…

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Marley and the snow

Well it’s been an interesting week or so in Wymondham, with the amazing snowfall we had last week my next batch of leafleting for Waggy Tails was put on hold and it was out with the sledges and down to the Abbey with the family to enjoy the most snow I can remember since I…

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