Back to work we go …

Well, after the toughest couple of months or so since becoming a dog walker I am delighted to announce that as the loosening of restrictions and the gradual easing of lockdown continues Waggy Tails of Wymondham are back in business! Myself as well as my two awesome team members Brogan and Lianne have been back…

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We’ll be back soon

Following on from the announcement last night, and in accordance with the national restrictions put in place by the government, it is with unbelievable sadness that I have to close the doors on Waggy Tails of Wymondham just for the time being until all this horribleness goes away and we can get back to some…

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Exciting start to the new decade!

Well, what an absolutely brilliant start to the new year it’s been so far – the new decade has certainly started in the same, fabulous way the last one ended and it’s all systems go for an exciting 2020. Already this year we’ve been fortunate to have been able to welcome some fabulous new doggies…

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