Following on from the announcement last night, and in accordance with the national restrictions put in place by the government, it is with unbelievable sadness that I have to close the doors on Waggy Tails of Wymondham just for the time being until all this horribleness goes away and we can get back to some kind of normality.
I am devastated and heart-broken beyond belief, not only that I now have zero income for the next few weeks at least, but even more so that I won’t get to see any of our amazing furry friends for a while 💔 though with the threat of a killer virus on the rampage it is of course the right thing to do.
Enormous thanks to all of you who have supported me along my journey so far, this definitely isn’t the end, more like we’re just on hold for a bit, and we’ll be back up and running as soon as we are allowed to – which hopefully won’t be too long as I genuinely can’t remember the last time I woke up feeling as sad as this 😥
Take care and stay safe everybody 🙏