Well, what an absolutely brilliant start to the new year it’s been so far – the new decade has certainly started in the same, fabulous way the last one ended and it’s all systems go for an exciting 2020.
Already this year we’ve been fortunate to have been able to welcome some fabulous new doggies into the Waggy Tails of Wymondham gang, Coco the Beaglier, Fender the gorgeous Goldendoodle pup, Jess the cheeky Terrier and her Bichon Poodle buddy Monty, Hugo the awesome black Labrador pup and of course Rupert and Terrence, our new little darling Dachshund recruits, who both look dead-ringers for my own little sausage dog Clive, bless ’em!
We’ve been really lucky with the weather so far this year as well, no snow or icy roads and lots of winter sun to enjoy while walking our fabulous doggies round the fields of Wymondham, and so excited that spring is just around the corner with snowdrops and crocuses making an appearance already, and daffodils not too far behind – can’t wait for my favourite time of the year!
And the REALLY exciting news – that I still can’t quite believe – is that Waggy Tails of Wymondham have been shortlisted as finalists in the ‘Best New Business’ category of this year’s Broadland & South Norfolk Business Awards!! I was thrilled beyond words when I received the phone call a couple of weeks ago, and feel incredibly proud and enormously grateful to have been recognised by this year’s judges, and to be representing the wonderful town Wymondham is truly a great honour. It really would be the most amazing achievement should we be fortunate enough to come away with the first prize, but to have made it to the final three is still something to be very proud of even if not. Whatever happens, my wife Lou and I are really looking forward to the awards dinner in Norwich at the end of March, honestly can’t remember the last time I wore a tuxedo – exciting times indeed!