Well it’s been an interesting week or so in Wymondham, with the amazing snowfall we had last week my next batch of leafleting for Waggy Tails was put on hold and it was out with the sledges and down to the Abbey with the family to enjoy the most snow I can remember since I was a boy myself in a little village in the middle of the Norfolk Broads back in the 80’s. It was great! Built a huge snowman in the garden, and saw some fantastic ones around town and on the Wymondham Ways Facebook page. Saw plenty of doggies out and about enjoying themselves on their walks as well, which is always great to see – our little Dachshund Clive wasn’t too keen though, bless him he can’t wait for the weather to get a bit warmer, some of the snow was deeper than he is!
I did get to take a doggie out for a walk who loved it though as I also last week I received a call from a lovely lady who lives not far from me, who had received one of my leaflets and has an amazing Staffie called Marley who needs a regular walker – my first ever client, how exciting! I went round for the free introductory meeting, and got covered with big slobbery licks within seconds of walking in the door, I think he liked me. Took him out for a quick round-the-block walk, again free of charge as it was a chance to get to know him, and then started walking him for real last Thursday, absolutely loved it! The snow was a couple of feet deep in places, the freezing ice was pretty treacherous on the roads and pavements on the way to the park and as Marley is as strong as an ox I was amazed I didn’t take at least one tumble. It was great fun though, he’s an absolutely gorgeous gentle giant, and a fantastic doggie to take out on my first ever outing as a professional dog walker.
Going to be seeing him every week, can’t wait! And now all the snow has melted away it’s time to get out again and get the name Waggy Tails of Wymondham out there, so it’s back out leafleting we go – this rain is nowhere near as much fun though …