Well then, here we go, my first few steps (more about those later) into my exciting new adventure as owner of my own dog walking and pet services provider. Ever since we first started using a dog walker for our little miniature dachshund Clive (love him!) some years ago I’ve dreamed of the idea of one day becoming a dog walker myself, and decided it must be the perfect job – actually getting paid to spend time with some amazing doggies (and don’t forget cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters etc – we love all furry friends at Waggy Tails of Wymondham!) sounded a million times more exciting than the world of meetings, workshops and conference calls that I was in at the time. So I decided to grasp the opportunity, I’ve spent the past few months getting some excellent advice, arranging vital things like insurance and my criminal record check and also passing a course which included modules on important stuff such as animal first-aid, understanding how different breeds can interact with each and also things such as how to manage a business. I also had to design my own logo, buy myself a van kitted out with dog cages fitted in the back and now I’m all set to get out there and start meeting some new walking buddies!
As you’ll be aware if you’re reading this my website is now up and running – and I have to say I think it looks pretty cool! Can’t take much credit for the design myself, all thanks go to a guy called Russ Willey who I think has done a pretty fantastic job in creating something stylish and vibrant. Of course the next job was to tell people all about Waggy Tails so after designing some leaflets and business cards I spent much of my first week walking the beautiful streets of wonderful Wymondham (mostly in the rain, yes I got wet) delivering them. We only moved to the town last summer so it’s been great exploring some parts I hadn’t yet been to, and also been great exercise as I’ve comfortably broken my “most steps in a week” in the past 12 months as a result. I have to say the act of squeezing my flier through the myriad different types of letterboxes that I’ve come across becomes quite addictive, and all the more satisfying on those occasions I’m greeted with a “Woof! Woof! Woof!” from a potential future walking partner on the other side of the door – just as long as they don’t chew up my handout before the owner gets to see it!
Here’s what it looks like, what do you think?